
São Domingos

São Domingos

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The first Dominican monastery in Lisbon, founded in 1241, had been built on this site. The 1755 earthquake only preserved the baroque chancel by Frederico Ludovice. The main body of the church has been renewed by Carlos Mardel, who has integrated in the façade the portico from the Patriarchate Chapel of the Ribeira Palace. In 1834, the church became the parish church of Saint Just and Saint Rufine. The church suffered a fire in 1959, whose effects can still be seen after the renovation works. Frei Luís de Granada (d. 1588), a major writer and master of spirituality, is buried in the eastern entrance. The royal weddings of King Pedro V (1853), King Luís (1862) and King Carlos (1886) were held in this church.

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