
King José Monstrance

King José Monstrance

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João Frederico Ludovice (design) (attributed)

Pedro da Silva e Joaquim Caetano de Carvalho (goldsmith)

Portugal (Lisbon), 1760

Gold, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, pink sapphires, emeralds, hessonites, glass, pink spinels

90,5 cm (hgt.)

Lisboa, Cathedral – Treasure, no. 118


The rich monstrance of the Lisbon Patriarchal Cathedral is the most remarkable and magnificent liturgical implement made in Portugal in the 18th century.

Its process of creation and production was slow and complex, but it is quite well documented. In fact, it is known that an initial drawing or project was commissioned in 1748 to the workshop of the famous Parisian goldsmith Thomas Germain, the goldsmith of the King of France, to whom King João V had commissioned a sumptuous servin See more


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